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Farewell to a Truly Great Dane

Ivan Sorensen 1952-2007
Danish Ivan Sorensen, known among his many friends as “Red Ivan”, has died on the 9th February at about 14.00 pm at the age of 55 years.

Ivan was known by many people here in Pattaya. He was a jolly and smiling person. When he entered a bar or gathering of people this big Dane (about 200 kg.) drew all the attention because of his happy attitude. People who did not know him well would wonder who was that big person who had given a round of drinks and suddenly just left the place, without giving the receivers the chance to say cheers and thank you? Now he has made his disappearance number again but this time for the last time, so all of us must say thank you Ivan for everything you gave Pattaya.

Ivan was famous for his skills as a magician; he entertained many with his card
tricks and fantastic memory.

He was born in Fredericia in Denmark and came to Pattaya about 30 to 35 years ago.  Here he met his wife Jim, they have been married for about 25 years. In Denmark he had a successful business with gaming machines and he brought a fortune with him to Thailand from this business, and invested some of the money in a 50% share in the Hardtien Restaurant, operation with speed boats and much more on Koh Larn together with Khun Kae (Khun Vichai Ittivorakul). He also invested in the Ritz Estate Apartment Building in Soi 5 of Phratamnak Road. He lived and died in the Ritz Estate.

He was a big man with a big heart for other people, always generous, always cheerful. He has touched the lives of so many; it was therefore no surprise that hundreds of people came to his funeral at the Wat Chaimongkol on South Pattaya Road.
 “Red Ivan” will be truly missed, Pattaya will probably not be the same without the magic he gave our city.

Susanne og Orla fra Mødestedet 15.02.2017 23:58

Min mand og jeg var sammen med Ivan i Thailand i 1992,Ivan var en rigtig god ven til os ,han var en ener,R.I.P

Lilli Gasser 11.02.2017 02:28

Jeg husker også røde Ivan fra Bræddehytten og Brælkehytten...Båringskov camping, hvor han kom med spillemaskiner. Gode historier og gode handler.... Ivan R.I.P.

René Højris 19.02.2016 20:23

Ivan var Kongen blandt alle os knallertkørere - og han hjalp gerne med at få Puch'ens udstødningsrør til at kunne vippe ned og dermed give stor larm

jørn knuth 25.02.2015 04:50

Godt lavet Ja han kunne spille kort Men gamle Simon kunne slå ham Håber at sønnen har det godt Han har gået på Fredericia Friskole ved min søster Dorte Pedersen

lasse 26.08.2017 12:25

Jo sønnen som er mig har det som fint selvom jeg savner mit far hver dag , jeg er på facebook hvor mit navn er lasse nordensgaard rasmussen

Kaj Maagaard 20.02.2015 15:43

Hejsa, god hjemmeside. Jeg husker tydeligt Ivan, ingen var som ham, og han var ikke som nogen andre, hjalp mig engang omkring noget bolig i Taulov, tak for det

ib v.Jensen (Fjes) 23.08.2011 20:10

Ivan og jeg tog til Thailand første gang i august 1980.Vi skulle have været til Tenerife,men jeg fik ham overtalt til den "store tur".Med rugbrød og dåsemad.

Bjarne Banana Kronborg 28.04.2011 15:46

rode ivan er fodt 18\4 1951 og nimbusen er samme organg 1951.nu kore jeg paa nimbusen og kore fint,vi savner alle sammen ivan som var en meget god ven til mig .

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Nyeste kommentarer

26.08 | 12:25

Jo sønnen som er mig har det som fint selvom jeg savner mit far hver dag , jeg er på facebook hvor mit navn er lasse nordensgaard rasmussen

15.02 | 23:58

Min mand og jeg var sammen med Ivan i Thailand i 1992,Ivan var en rigtig god ven til os ,han var en ener,R.I.P

11.02 | 02:28

Jeg husker også røde Ivan fra Bræddehytten og Brælkehytten...Båringskov camping, hvor han kom med spillemaskiner. Gode historier og gode handler.... Ivan R.I.P.

19.02 | 20:23

Ivan var Kongen blandt alle os knallertkørere - og han hjalp gerne med at få Puch'ens udstødningsrør til at kunne vippe ned og dermed give stor larm